Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Music" Monday: American Haiku

"Crossing the football field
coming home from work -
the lonely businessman."

Not "music" in a traditional sense, but certainly musical.

Rather than a single song, this week I selected a recording of Jack Kerouac reading his haiku to jazzy instrumentation. About twenty(!) years ago, just at the beginning of the advent of compact discs and the coinciding death of vinyl, I purchased a box set of Jack Kerouac's records aptly entitle The Jack Kerouac Collection.

Among the records in the collection was an album entitled "Blues & Haikus," which would seem to be the source of the excerpt heard on the above YouTube video. Unfortunately, not long after purchasing the records my player "died" and I shortsightedly never replaced it. Consequently, I've spent the last three years searching for a quality record player on which to play , no just this, but a number of vinyl recordings I've re-acquired in the past few years.

Stay Poetic!

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